Michelle. You made it; congrats! I promise you, this will be the time of your life.
The other day I asked for advice for Seniors graduating this year and in the years ahead. And I was trying to look for something that I could share with all of my Seniors and I found this: “Love every minute of it. Hang out with your friends, even if it’s to just sit in someone’s basement; those are the nights that will make some of the best memories. Take pictures and videos of everything; they’ll remember more than you do. As amazing as college is, don’t spend the rest of your Senior year waiting to leave your hometown. Because before you know it, you’re going to be saying goodbye to the people you could never imagine life without. I’m telling you, you’re going to miss it all. All of it. Even the bad stuff. A few months down the line you’re going to be wearing a cap and gown wondering, “where did the time go”. So appreciate it now, before it’s too late.”
Michelle, your soul is beautiful and I know you have many around you that love you with all of their hearts for who you are and for how you make them feel when they are with you. Enjoy your friends, enjoy this year to the fullest, make mistakes and learn from them. Keep shining and spreading love. Have an amazing Senior year, yes you made it :) enjoy.

I loved this!! This was so sweet, once again thank you! :)
xoxo :)